Thursday, October 15, 2009

Of Pigs and Puberty

My Thoughts on....
Of Pigs and Puberty
By G.D.Rico


  1. Hahahahaha!!!! You need to be published more predominantly again! Of course the death of journalism as we used to know it has made it hard on a whole lot of people in an industry...another reason liberalism has screwed us up...

    You have a very interesting way of looking at things! Very accurate as well!

  2. Grego~~

    You know what I like about you. Not only are you a true gentleman, and respectful toward women, but you also know MEN and can joke about the VAST majority of them... probably because you are NOT like them.... PIGS~!!!! Did I just say that?

    You are truly a gem.... and I am honored to be your friend. Your artistry is priceless and you will go far. I am right behind you all the way, too~!!!!!

  3. Hee hee! This one's terrific. Actually, all your work is and I look forward every day to seeing what you're 'thinkin'.

    Your friend, Tweets

  4. Too funny...because it's too true, G.D. lol


  5. Funny......And yet,so very true.LOL.
