Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The future of Obama-Care

My Thoughts on....
The future of Obama-Care
By G.D.Rico


  1. Well Greg-o~~
    That sums up what I've been saying all along about SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. It's not Health Care... because there is NO "health" concerned and there is NO "care" given. It's truly DMV style medical care... SO, DO NOT BE IN ANY HURRY... THAT'S FOR DARN SURE. Be ready to suffer needlessly and if you are in a REALLY BAD way.... with a fatal condition. SORRY, pal... prepare to meet your MAKER~!!!!

    This issue hits close to home.... MIL... catch this.... she WAS a CANADIAN. She is DEAD now under that SOCIALIZED medicine. She died June 13, 2009. PREMATURELY... AND IT IS PROVEN... BY HER SON-IN-LAW... A practing physician in FL... a Canadian himself.

    That SPELLS...... TROUBLE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You are so very right my friend.They will treat us like cattle,abuse us like cattle and slaughter us like cattle......It is time for each of us to stand and be counted....Resist the machine.
    Kat,your anger reverberates in my soul.
    Your friend,

  3. Unfortunately he was voted into to office by folks who did not understand what he was really saying. Do you suppose there would ever be a 'do over'?

  4. I believe that is the very reason we have a bloodless revolution every four years.
