Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'm still thinking about it.

My thoughts on....
I'm still thinking about it.
By G.D.Rico


  1. He either needs to make get his sheite together and come up with a plan to win in Afghanistan like he says we need to and supply the troops with what they say they need, or get them the hell out of there. He wasn't the one to put us there with a stupid plan, this one he inherited, however, he is the commander in chief whose first priority is the security of our soldiers in the field in harms way. He needs to $h!t or get off the pot...so to speak.

  2. There is a nickname for Afghainstan....
    "The Graveyard of Empires"
    Everyone from Alexander the great on down has tested Afghanistan....and has been bitterly been defeated by Afghanistan.So begs the question....At what cost,in treasure,resources,time and most important.....our AMERICAN sons and daughters.
    Let them have a say in this war....they will tell you if we should carry the flag to the top of the hill...Or,come home.
