Friday, October 9, 2009

The Odd things you see in life.

My Thoughts on....
The Odd things you see in life.


  1. A hoveround with a sidecar for the non-ambulatory pet, a cup holder and slot for your cigarettes. What's unusual about that?

  2. I bet that's a diet coke w/aspartame in it. Aspartame has a tendancy to do the opposite of what the Kool-Aid drinkers think... and that is to make you FAT, not skinnier. Ha! I missed this one, but haven't been on my PC much the last couple days. My, you are so talented. I'd love to see your work in more places. Ever try some of the 'alternative' conservative news sites? I might be able to give you a few suggestions.

  3. Kym....saw your comments about dad.OMG,LMAO!!!
