Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Uh , Nancy.....

My Thoughts on....
By G.D.Rico


  1. Oh, comic relief.... we get to live vicariously through this one~!!!!! Nice, I like it.... very good.

    Thanks, Grego... maybe next time drop the flame on the pile of papers and let the flames ignite~!!!!! For those of us who have had enough of those Socialist clowns. Yeesh~!!!!

  2. There is a reason for that.....Much like watching a horror movie,there will always be one person in the theater screaming " DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR ".....Then the hand pulls back from the door, and everyone one in the theater lets out a sigh of relief.Call it suspened tension.
    Yes...We would be doing the gene pool a favor though.

  3. Only if there were real justice in the world. I pray for mercy, but I would like to see some justice. Thanks Greg!

  4. Nancy's 800 page ammendment should really add fuel to the fire and roast them...Great Job Greg!
